About Us – Homesteading Family

We are so glad you found us. My name is Caitlin and my husband (Ben), daughter (Ruthie) and many animals call Pennsylvania or growing Zone 7a home. 

In 2021 we bought the family farm and have been making it our own ever since. Currently I am a stay at home mama/homemaker, Ben works as a diesel mechanic off the homestead and last year Ruthie joined our family. If you have found us and are looking for more information on homesteading, homemaking or anything in between then you are in the right place. 

Our Why

After having our daughter we truly realized how much we craved a slower lifestyle. More specifically becoming a mother really changed my goals in life and I realized that I wanted to do more than climb the corporate ladder. I had spent 6 years furthering my education by going to get my bachelors degree and masters degree in animal science thinking that I wanted to work in corporate agriculture. About 2 years into working in corporate agriculture and upon returning from maternity leave I realized that what I truly wanted was to be home to raise Ruthie (and any future siblings). Family is so important to both Ben and I. Following the path that I was headed was not going towards those dreams and I ended up quitting my job and investing my time into our family and homestead. 

Over the past year a big goal of ours has been to learn to grow, preserve and make the majority of our food. While we are learning to do it ourself we are also taking steps to buy as much of our other food from local sources.  A big driver for this is not only knowing where our food is coming from (main reason) it also has saves us money by growing our own or supporting local. 

Homesteading for us is a way of life that we enjoy and we understand that not everyone has the resources (land, money, etc.) to have the picture perfect homestead. So here at K&M we strive to show the real and raw of everyday homestead life. By sharing not only our successes but our failures with you, it is our hope that it will save you frustration in your own journey. 

Want to come along and learn with us?

In May of 2023 when I quit my corporate agriculture job to stay at home with my daughter I decided to start sharing our homesteading story online. On our instagram I share our everyday life through pictures and short videos. It has been so much fun connecting with others and building a community there. However there was just something lacking for me…..

I decided I needed a platform to share more than just everyday life and be able to share the information that we are learning ourselves. Through this website I hope to share information and tips that we know or learn along way about homesteading, homemaking, sustainable living, and everything in between! We are still in the early years of our journey but we hope that you find our little homestead website helpful. 

If you ever have any questions or just want to chat please feel free to reach out in the comments below. We hope that you have a wonderful day.


Caitlin 🙂

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